
Saturday, August 8, 2009

8th August (Saturday) deeeeeentist......>.<''

hello guys! almost one month i didnt blog already jor.. Busy la -.-'' no time to post leh >.<'' never mind la oh.. u all won't scold me de la .. wakakaka! today normal lor .. nothing to do. morning go tuition. After tuition (10:30), went back home then 12:00p.m. sleep untill 2:30p.m. soo tired wei ! 3:00p.m. go check <teeth> WEEeee! The dentist said me teeth very good but my brother =.x'' hohohooho.. very bad lor .. After that. went back home watch 原来爱上贼. Walau! soo nice mannn .. i love this drama ^.^'' but no lam fung la ahahha.. Ermm about 5:00p.m. then i bath lo.. After bath, then continue watching. 6:00p.m go a restaurant to have my dinner with my grandma coz my cousin(eddie) sunday 10:30a.m. need to go london to study =( sad!!! janaury only come back ahh .. MISS him lorrr! ahahhaa ----joking---- 10:30p.m. brush teeth then sleep Zzz..! Stop here! By3zzzzz ...

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