
Sunday, July 5, 2009

6th July (Monday) Holiday !! Weee!

Today school holiday ! soo happy! >.<'' but feel some boring at home also la. Nothing to do, just revision science coz need to exam already. U all know la, my sceince very lemah =.x'' (so shame). Play piano lor , August got piano exam ahh! My mum ask me pratice more at home. Soo scare! About 10 something in the morning, my sister come back. Wahahaha! I can play computer already. Coz my sister neo the password(computer) U know la, my sister very bad one, she dun let me play>.<'' ask me revision. Actually she's right, i need to exam already, need to revision. About 1 o'clock, she feel very sleepy :P then she go sleep. She let me play already. Haihz ! i can play until 3 o'clock only a! later need to revision again. Dad buy some 'pan min' for me and sister, Yummy! After that, me and my brother need to tuition.Ahhhhh .. so busy la. >.<'' At tuition class, my brother makes me laugh ^.^'' i cant stop laughing. LOL! Tuition class finish at 7 o'clock. Then, of coz back home. Reach home, i quickly on TV to watch Heart Of greed, Got lam FUNG ! ahahaha! got lam fung act of coz i watch de la ! Watch until 8 then revision again. Revision until 10(night) something then brush teeth, go sleep already.Stop here, today not many things to post >.<'' okay la guyz, bye By3!

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